
Getting fancy for your family photoshoot – CT Family Photographer

I am so grateful to continue to be this family’s CT Family Photographer. I met this beautiful family over 3 years ago at one of my Tree Farm mini photography sessions.  They were newly pregnant with baby #2 and we clicked immediately!  Since then I’ve seen them annually and even photographed their newborn baby.

Fast forward to 2020 when mom reached out and said, “I’m telling you this now so I don’t back out.  We’re going to be fancy.  Maybe let’s skip anything where I have to sit on the ground.”  And my heart skipped a beat!

I absolutely love it when families switch it up and go al out fancy!  Look at mom’s GORGEOUS dress!  I couldn’t help myself and had to pose them formally.  And capture the back of mom’s dress with a solo parent shot.  I mean, how often do we as parents get pictures of just the two of us?!

I hope you enjoy these sneak peeks as much as I enjoyed creating them for Katie and her beautiful family.

Are you looking to capture your family this year? Scroll to the bottom for details.

Getting fancy for your family photoshoot - CT Family Photographer
Getting fancy for your family photoshoot - CT Family Photographer
Getting fancy for your family photoshoot - CT Family Photographer

CT Family Photography Information

Catherine King Photography is an on-location, natural light, lifestyle and portrait photographer, specializing in Maternity, Newborn, Baby, Children, and Family Photography in Connecticut.  In addition to gorgeous outdoor locations, Catherine King has a beautiful photography studio in Madison, Connecticut which is best suited for Newborn, Maternity, and Milestone photography session.  Would you like a virtual tour of the gorgeous photography studio?  Click here.

Family photography sessions are done at any time during the year in many gorgeous CT locations.  If you’re looking to update your family photos, read on to see why Catherine King Photography is the best family photographer in CT.

An award winning photographer, Catherine King will work with you and your family to create a beautiful photography session and overall experience.  From styling your family photography session to choosing the perfect location that suits your family and the season to a fun experience during your photoshoot to gorgeous images that you will treasure for a lifetime.

Want to learn a little more?  Check out these family photography sessions or view the family portfolio page.  Ready to pick your package and book your own family session? Fill out this brief contact form.

Are you on social media?  Check out the latest sessions on Facebook and Instagram.

Receive the latest promotions, mini sessions announcements, and news by subscribing to the e-mail newsletter (don’t worry, your e-mail is safe.  It will never be sold or spammed to by us).

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Catherine King Photography



Catherine King Photography is an award winning CT photographer specializing in newborn photography, maternity photography, family photography, baby photography, milestone photography and first year photography with a studio in Madison CT. Kat is among the best CT newborn photographers and is certified as a master newborn photographer by NAPCP , as well as recognized as the best maternity photographer, best newborn photographer and best family photographer by various publications including Shoreline Newspapers, Zip06 Best on the Shoreline , Baby Photo awards , Expertise and more.



Serving Connecticut and beyond including: New Haven County, New London county, Middlesex County, Tolland County, Hartford County, Old Lyme, Old Saybrook, Essex, Guilford, Branford, Shelton, Trumbull, Cheshire and more.

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