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5 tips for successful newborn photo session

Newborn sessions do not have to be stressful – here are 5 tips for successful newborn photo session.

5 tips for successful newborn photo session

  1. Follow your photographer’s guide to help the baby be as sleepy as possible during their newborn session, but try not to stress it! I send a session prep guide to all my newborn clients that has tips for helping keep the baby a little more awake before they head out for the session and how to get them to a super sleepy state by the time they arrive. These are not meant to stress or overwhelm you but do give us a leg up!
  2. Make sure you have extra outfits for everyone. Newborn babies pee and poop often and accidents happen! Because some poses require the baby to skip the diaper, everyone can end up wet or soiled. For this reason I always advise that you bring a change of clothes for everyone. Better safe than wet!
  3. Pack extra snacks for the baby and yourself. Some newborn sessions can take 2-3 hours. We always want to make sure that the babies are happy and their bellies are full. But that applies to the parents and siblings too! 
  4. If you are including siblings in the photos, make sure they can leave the studio after their portion of the photos are done. Newborn studios are kept very warm which does not make for a good environment for young kids. Have a relative, dad, or nanny take the siblings home once they are finished. If that’s not an option, bring an ipad, books, or activities as well as extra snacks to keep them busy.
  5. The studio is stocked with everything you will need for a gorgeous newborn session. Your photographer is trained in keeping the session running smoothly so there is no need to stress! Babies (and siblings!) can often sense when you are stressed out, overwhelmed or upset. The more you can take a moment to relax and know that everything will go great, the better the entire experience will be!

Now here’s a little sneak peak at a recent newborn session in our Madison CT Newborn Photography studio. Scroll to the bottom of this post for info on booking your newborn photoshoot if you’re interested!

5 tips for successful newborn photo session
5 tips for successful newborn photo session

Sweet baby girls - Madison CT Newborn Photographer
Sweet baby girls - Madison CT Newborn Photographer
Sweet baby girls - Madison CT Newborn Photographer
5 tips for successful newborn photo session
Sweet baby girls - Madison CT Newborn Photographer

With over 8 years experience working with newborn babies and families, Catherine King photography is one of the best newborn photographers in CT.  The newborn photography studio is located in Madison, CT and serves New Haven county, Middlesex county, New London county.  Catherine King Photography serves nearby areas including CT, RI, NJ, NY, and MA as well.

Enjoy a truly amazing experience during your newborn session.  When you arrive at the private studio located in Madison, CT, you’ll be greeted by a warm, cozy space with everything you’ll need.  Enjoy a warm cup of coffee (or decaf!) and relax in a comfy chair.  Your newborn baby will be in good hands.

Each newborn session is planned and customized with coordinated setups and latest props.  The only thing you’ll need to bring is yourselves!  The studio is stocked with bonnets, wraps, headbands, and gorgeous layers.  Forgot diapers or wipes?  No worries, we’ve got those too.  you don’t need to bring a thing unless you want to.

Safety and comfort of the baby is always the number one priority.  I am up to date with all latest required vaccines and take extreme care to keep the space clean and germ-free.  While I will have a workflow planned to guide your baby through a variety of poses with the least amount of disturbance, I will also take cues from the baby when they need a break for an extra snuggle or a feeding.

Want to learn a little more?  Check out these newborn photography sessions or view the newborn portfolio page.  Ready to pick your package and book your own family session? Fill out this brief contact form.

Are you on social media?  Check out the latest sessions on Facebook and Instagram.

Wondering what to expect from this newborn photographer?  Check out this video for a look behind the scenes and at the final results of a newborn photography session in CT.

Want a little sneak peak behind a newborn photography experience? Check out the video below.

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Catherine King Photography


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