Minis versus custom sessions:
Mini sessions are short, quick and follow the same workflow. There is a set time and location and not a whole lot of time to dilly dally. If you have kids that are older and predictable, this is a great option for you. This is also a great option if you have just one child that you want photographed.
Custom sessions are about 1 hour and are driven by your family. That means that I take the time to get to know you, choose a location that works for your family, spend time walking around, giggling and taking breaks when the kids need them. If you have toddlers or even pre-schoolers who can take some time to warm up or can take your emotions on a rollercoaster ride (I have one, it’s fun), this is probably a much better option. Similarly, if you want to drive the decision about location, date and start time – this is a good choice for you.
A few resources for minis: